Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ready Player One

I am listening to an audio book called Ready Player One written by Ernest Cline and is read by Wil Wheaton. It takes place in the future where the economy has collapsed and people have found solace in a game called Oasis. The game is like a combination of the internet and a MMO. The genius inventor James Halliday has died and upon his death he released a message saying he has hidden an easter egg in the game and the person who finds it inherits his vast fortune. The main character is Wade Watts is trying to solve the puzzle and win the prize. One of the fun things about the book is Halliday a huge fan of 80s pop culture, video games, and comic books. The clues to the easter egg is thorough knowledge of 80s pop culture. I have only listened to part of the book so far, but I have really enjoyed it, and Wil Wheaton has done a great job of reading the book. I can't wait to see how it comes out.

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