Monday, August 22, 2011


I have enjoyed the show Eureka on Syfy since the show began a few years. The concept of the show is that in the 1940's a town was formed for the smartest people to be able to work on their projects in privacy. The show is quirky and fun, well written with some good characters. I can suspend my disbelief most of the time. However there is one major flaw with the show that I have a hard time getting around. The basic formula of the show is something screws up in the town and they spend the rest of the episode trying to fix it before the town town blows before something terrible happens. It is variation on the X-Files or Buffy the Vampire Slayer monster of the week model. The problem I have with all this is these are supposed to best and brightest but yet they fuck stuff up. For uber smart people they do some really dumb things. Does it always have to be about something going wrong? They have had a few story arcs that have used ongoing stories, but the vast majority of episodes have been the F-up of the week problems. It appears the show is coming to an end, and I will be curious to see how it all comes together.

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