Monday, February 8, 2010

Two Years

Two years ago, at this very minute, I had come home from work and was getting ready to go and see some friends who were having their cd release party at the Hi-Tone. I was hoping that a certain someone was going to show up at the show, but I wasn't sure if he would or not. I got dressed and ran by Huey's to see Duncan, who was working behind the bar. I grabbed a quick drink and double checked that I was wearing the right clothes.

Little did I know that night was going to change my life. The boy was there. We decided to make the jump from friendship to relationship. We are getting married in six weeks.

However, it is amazing to me how much is different. The house is not the same - we moved in together. The job is not the same - I got laid off almost a year ago, and I still haven't found a new job. I am not the same as I was that night, but I think I am better.

Don't misunderstand - there are days that I am terrified. I don't make the amount of money I need to. I don't have a job with benefits, which means I don't have insurance and I will lose money the days I take off to get married. It is terrifying to me and I have started having panic attacks about money.

What I do have, though, is the love of a good man. He is sweet and loving, and some days I do not deserve him. It has been two years since my life has changed, and I am loving every minute of it.


  1. Love is a joyous and wonderful thing. Love this.

  2. It has been has been an awesome two years with far more ups than downs. Whatever happens in the future we will face it together.

  3. @newscoma Thanks, 'Coma. It is a wonderful thing.

    #Glenr I know we will. I love you for it.

  4. And I was there when it happened, and I couldn't be happier about how it turned out!
