Wednesday, June 10, 2009


One of the hardest things about not having a job is all of the time I spend alone. From the time Glen goes to work until the time Glen comes home, I am basically alone. I occasionally go to lunch or on an interview, but for the most part - I am alone.

I am not necessarily good at being by myself. I am not saying I need constant contact with people, but given several hours a day of time alone, I tend to go a little crazy. I think of things that can go wrong or I think of things that Glen and I need to do, and I start to panic a little. My mind races with thoughts and I don't have an outlet for all of those thoughts. When I am at work, my mind has to slow down in order to accomplish my tasks. I also am able to stop thinking by reading a book, but I won't find a job if I am sitting around reading a book all day.

Even the job searching is solitary. Most jobs you apply for are online. You submit your resume, and, in most cases, are rejected without ever even talking to a real person. There is no one to call and follow up with, there is only a random email address.

If you know me well, don't worry. This isn't a request to give me a call or anything. You all are doing your jobs just fine. It is just something I am thinking about today, while I am sitting on the couch with my cat, looking for a job.


  1. You can always give me a shout, Dabs. There's usually a 50/50 chance I'm home.

  2. Upside: you have time to update your blog :)

  3. Derek - I have no idea how to get in touch with you any more.

    Katie - too true

  4. I didn't know you had a blog, Dabney!

    Unemployment is solitary. I try to get out of the house at least once a day - the gym, the grocery, something. I have also started going to a coffee shop with Wifi to do my job searching. It really does help me feel like more a member of society.

    Don't even get me started on sending your resume out and then just never hearing anything . . .

  5. Hey Brenda! I hadn't pimped it on MATH yet, because I am just getting used to posting regularly again. Glen and I decided it would be fun to blog together though.

    I have been getting out of the house more lately and it is definitely helping.
