Thursday, October 1, 2015

GOP Clown Car Part 4: Bobby Jindal

  Bobby Jindal is proof that it is really hard to overcome making a bad first impression. Jindal has been stuck at the bottom of the polls since he declared he was running for president. Sherman set the wayback machine to 2009. A Republican party still reeling from getting beat by Obama who they mostly thought that outside of fancy speech making had little to offer. Jindal looked like the perfect conservative reaction to Obama. He was an Indian American, Ivy League educated governor from a red state, and like Obama, had an interesting back story. He was given the perfect way to introduce himself to the country by giving the Republican response to Obama's State of the Union Address. It is universally accepted that Jindal badly whiffed on his moment in the spotlight. He decided not to run in 2012, and so far, he has had a really hard getting back the mojo he had in 2009. It makes you wonder how much of a rising star he actually was. Even with the bad performance, he is has done nothing to change people's opinion of him since then.

  Jindal is governor of Louisiana and like many governors that bow down to insane bullshit that is the Grover Norquist no tax raising pledge, his state's economic situation is a mess. He worked all kinds of smoke and mirrors silliness with the legislature to make it look like he had balanced the budget. Like Scott Walker gutting the funding for the University of Wisconsin to cover the massive hole the tax cuts have created, Jindal slashed the funding for Louisiana State University. Louisiana's economy is such a dumpster fire that it has reflecting badly on hooker loving Senator Vitter who is running to replace the term limited Jindal.

 Overall, Jindal has taken a far right turn on the fiscal and social front. He not only defunded Planned Parenthood, but played the notorious videos on the grounds of the governor's mansion. He has fully embraced the evangelical right and worked very hard to show that he is true culture warrior. He has pushed for charter schools in his state and has made it possible to teach creationism in the schools. He has worked very hard to show how much he supports the "Duck Dynasty" Robertson clan no matter what wacky racist or homophobic things they say. Like pretty much all the candidates who are working in the religious right wing of the party, he fully supports Kentucky clerk Kim Davis' efforts to refuse to give out marriage certificates to gay couples. This is a far cry from what the GOP saw as the perfect response to Barrack Obama in 2009.

  Despite the fact his numbers are terrible and it appears he has no chance, Jindal keeps plowing ahead and insisting he is it in to win it. His campaign is taking on water and fighting off rumors that he is about to drop out. His "Duck Dynasty" buddy Willie Robertson showed up as a guest at one of Trump's events. When he was the shooting star, he was supposed to be a different kind of Republican who was smart and well spoken. He was going to be a response to a more diverse America in a Republican party that was getting older and mostly white. After the terrible performance at the State of the Union response, he tried to stay relevant but increasingly found it more difficult to be heard in the constant noise of the 24 hour cable news world. At some point, he just gave up and ran to the evangelical wing of the party. By taking this route, he has moved away from the establishment wing. There are basically two routes that Republicans try to take to win the nomination. The more fringy candidates try to parlay a win in Iowa into a run, while more establishment guys more more emphasis on New Hampshire. Pat Robertson, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum have shown this route has not been as successful. Since he is term limited in Louisiana, he can no longer be governor. In one sense the 2016 run will be a win-win for Jindal. A miracle could happen and he could turn a win in Iowa into serious run, but the more likely answer is that by holding firm and saying all the things to make the far right happy, he can do what Newt, Huckabee, and so many others have done and make some money. What better way to make easy money than to jump onto the right wing gravy train? He has a couple books and some lecture circuit money coming his way.  


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